Community For Men’s Wellness

DUDES Clubs are open to all individuals who self-identify as men. DUDES Club works within communities with significant Indigenous populations, and can grow to where local leadership capacity, motivation, and resources exist to support a DUDES Club.

A Three-Year Evaluation Study Found…

There Is Strength in Numbers



BC Stats: 29 On-reserve, 7 Urban

National: 2 Urban Specialized: 3 PG-RCC



500 Men participated in 2019

300 on Reserve, 200 Urban



Based on current stats captured in 2019

What DUDES Are Saying

Our Framework

Cultural – Based Teaching and Activities

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Community Wellness Fairs

Strengthen your own healing practices through participation in various cross-cultural, intergenerational knowledge transfer, teachings, and activities.

Health Practitioners

Breakdown the barriers and stigma related to Western Medicine practice by exploring the strong, authentic, and trauma-informed approach that is built through a new relationship with Health Practitioners.

Connecting with Elders and Mentors

Knowledge is power. Wisdoms is cultivated. Learn more about how you can connect with a diverse community of Elders and Knowledge holders – who are there to support you on your unique journey.

Social Network Community Building

The digital network seems to be growing each and everyday. DUDES Club remains committed to support Men (gender-inclusive) to get connected (digitally) with the online community, while remaining grounded in traditional practices.

Evidence Base Program Design

DUDES Club holds a strong and sustained presence in the advocating for Men’s Health. Through a community-focused partnership model with various organizations and provincial health authorities; we collaboratively build and improve upon the research and programs to meeting the immediately needs of Men.

Getting Out On the Land

Understanding our connection to land, comes from being out on the land. DUDES Club recognized the importance of land-based learning as integral to holistic Men’s health.

Annual Retreats

There is power in numbers, and our brotherhood is strong! Through the Annual Retreat and various Train-the-Trainer Sessions; DUDES call a community of men together to help shape the future of Men’s Health.